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Livestreaming Arrangement and Arrangements under Inclement Weather Conditions

Livestreaming will be available for all sessions of the Youth Development Summit (hereafter “the Summit”) to be held on 10 August 2024 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre at the webcasting website of the Information Services Department of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (  

In the event that the Hong Kong Observatory issues a Tropical Cyclone (commonly known as “typhoon”) No. 8 Signal (or above) or a Black Rainstorm Warning Signal before the commencement of or during the in-person Summit, the Summit will be livestreamed online as usual.  Participants can watch the livestreaming of the Summit at the abovementioned website.  The arrangements for the in-person Summit will be as follows:


A. Pre-No. 8 Signal Special Announcement or Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 (or above)
- Participants can watch all sessions of the Summit on the aforementioned website.

At 9:00 am

If the Pre-No. 8 Signal Special Announcement or the Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 (or above) is issued or in force, the morning sessions of the in-person Summit will be cancelled.


If the Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 (or above) is issued but cancelled at 08:59 am or before, the in-person Summit will continue as originally scheduled.

At 12:00 noon

If the Pre-No. 8 Signal Special Announcement or the Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 (or above) is still effective, the remaining sessions of the in-person Summit will be cancelled.


If the Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 (or above) is cancelled at 11:59 am or before, the in-person Summit will resume at 2:00 pm.

During Summit

If the Pre-No. 8 Signal Special Announcement is issued during the Summit, the in-person Summit will be closed in two hours after the announcement. The Organiser will notify the participants at once through the Submit website and via onsite announcement.


In the unlikely situation where the Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 (or above) is issued without a pre-announcement, the same arrangement will apply. All remaining sessions of the in-person Summit will be cancelled

Remarks: The in-person Summit will continue as scheduled when the Standby Signal No.1 or the Strong Wind Signal No.3 is in force.

B. Black Rainstorm Warning
- Signal Participants can watch all sessions of the Summit on the aforementioned website.

At 9:00 am

If the Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is issued or in force, the morning sessions of the in-person Summit will be cancelled.


If the Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is cancelled at 08:59 am or before, the in-person Summit will continue as originally scheduled.

At 12:00 noon

If the Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is still in force, the afternoon sessions of the in-person Summit will be cancelled.


If the Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is cancelled at 11:59 am or before, the in-person Summit will resume at 2:00 pm.

During Summit

If the Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is issued during the Summit, the in-person Summit will continue as scheduled

Remarks: The in-person Summit will continue as scheduled when the Yellow or Red Rainstorm Warning Signal is issued.


The Organiser will announce latest arrangements through the Summit website. Please visit for updates.  

Implementation of the above special arrangements may be adjusted, depending on the actual conditions or upon request by the police officer in-charge or the security unit of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.  The Organiser will announce the changes, if any, as soon as possible.

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