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Partner Events under 2024 youthfest@HK

Application Guideline


To dovetail with the policy objectives on youth development and the Youth Development Blueprint, the Government organises an annual youthfest@HK starting from 2023. Different sectors of the community are invited to jointly organise a wide spectrum of activities for engaging and helping the youth to develop their potential, enhance their knowledge, and share their experience, etc. To steer and co-ordinate different sectors in jointly organising youthfest@HK, the Youth Development Commission has set up a dedicated Action Group on Youth Festival to plan and promote youthfest@HK. The themes for 2024 youthfest@HK are “Nurture Positive Thinking”, “Promote Innovation” and “Inspire Creativity”. Community bodies, youth or district organisations, non-governmental organisations and other organisations which organise events on their own and fulfill the criteria set out in paragraphs 3 and 4 below may consider submitting application for Partner Events for recognition and inclusion of such events in the official Event Calendar of youthfest@HK.

Support for Partner Events

  1. Due recognition that will be given to Partner Events includes –
    1. featuring the events in the official Event Calendar and webpage, and the “HKYouth+” youth mobile application. “HKYouth+” is a mobile application launched by the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau in March 2024 providing a one-stop platform to disseminate comprehensive information about youth development programmes; and
    2. allowing the event organisers to use the official logo of youthfest@HK in accordance with the stipulated specifications for promoting their events.

Application Eligibility

  1. Applicants should be a registered body, e.g. under the Companies Ordinance (Cap.622), Societies Ordinance (Cap.151), etc., or an organisation recognised by government bureaux or departments.

Nature of Partner Events

  1. The proposed event should meet the following requirements:
    1. the event is targeted at the youth as one of the main stakeholders, aims at engaging and helping the youth to develop their potential, enhance their knowledge, and share their experience, etc. and is in line with the main themes of 2024 youthfest@HK;
    2. the event is generally open to the youth and of a reasonable scale (e.g. with an attendance of 100 persons or more);
    3. the event is non-profit-making in nature;
    4. the event is generally held within the period from July to December 2024;
    5. the event will not generate insurmountable problems in traffic and crowd management; and
    6. the event is in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations of Hong Kong (including The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (National Security Law)), the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance and guidelines and/or instructions of relevant government departments.

Means of Applications

  1. Please visit to complete and submit the e-form. In case you cannot use the e-form, please download and complete the PDF application form and then submit it to the Secretary to the Action Group on Youth Festival by post or email:
Address:Secretary to the Action Group on Youth Festival
Room 706, 7/F, Youth Square
238 Chai Wan Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong
Enquiries telephone no.:(852) 6808 1278

Submission Deadline

  1. As it takes time to process applications, please submit application as early as possible, and in any case no later than 31 October 2024. Applications received after the deadline would not be considered.

Application Results

  1. Applications will generally be acknowledged by an email within 2 weeks after receipt of the applications. Assessment and processing time of applications in general takes about 4 weeks. The Action Group on Youth Festival has full discretion in deciding whether a proposed event should be approved as a Partner Event, and in withdrawing any approval given. The Action Group may require the applicants to provide photos or video footages of the events for promoting youthfest@HK and related purposes.
  2. When conducting the events, the organisers must give utmost dedication and determination to deliver the events according to the information stated in their applications, and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations of Hong Kong (including the National Security Law and the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance).

Public Liability and Accident Insurance

  1. Applicants are responsible for the safety of participants and any accident or legal consequences arising from their events. Applicants are recommended to take out public liability insurance and accident insurance for their activities.

Personal Information Collection Statement

  1. The information contained in this form will be used for purposes related to the processing of applications as Partner Events and organising/promoting youthfest@HK, etc.
  2. The information provided in this form may be released to relevant Government bureaux, departments and the public for the purposes mentioned in paragraph 10 above.
  3. In accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have the right to access and amend your personal data provided in this application. If you wish to exercise such right, please contact the Action Group on Youth Festival (Address: Secretary to the Action Group on Youth Festival, Room 706, 7/F, Youth Square, 238 Chai Wan Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong; telephone number: (852) 6808 1278).

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